Camp Overview

TAWASV 2023 Camp, marking the 6th consecutive year of this annual gathering, once again provided us with the opportunity to COME REST A WHILE! As iniquity and worldliness increase around us, so does the need to step away from the hustle and bustle of daily life—especially from the constant struggle against these distractions and battles. These yearly camp meetings offer a chance to rest at Jesus’ feet, immerse ourselves in study and fellowship, and equip ourselves anew for the mission ahead.

"Come ye yourselves apart," He bids us. If we would give heed to His word, we should be stronger and more useful. – Desire of Ages, Page 363

Highlights of the Camp Experience

Physical Attendees

0 +

Online Attendees


Community Outreach Visitors


Reflections from TAWASV 2023 Camp Participants


Summary of 2023 Camp Expenditure

This is the total expenditure breakdown of 2023 Camp Meeting in Otu Jeremi.

Feeding: ₦1,492,000, Accommodation & Venue: ₦710,000, Technical (Solar and Equipment): ₦996,000, Transportation: ₦1,085,500, Others: ₦251,500. 

2024 Camp Meeting: Living in The Spirit

We are excited to announce our upcoming Camp Meeting, taking place at CLTC Otu-Jeremi, Delta State from 15th December to 1st January. This year’s theme, Living in The Spirit, promises to be a time of spiritual growth, fellowship, and transformation.

What's new this year?

  • Enhanced Streaming Experience: Improved live-streaming setup for a more engaging and seamless online experience.
  • Expanded Outreach Activities: Greater community engagement through additional outreach programs.
  • Upgraded Venue: Improved facilities to provide a more comfortable and conducive environment for all attendees.

2024 Camp
Budget Breakdown

TOTAL: ₦8,937,000.00

Feeding: ₦2,550,000.00, Utility: ₦3,870,000.00, Technical/Media: ₦1,450,000.00, Venue: ₦314,000.00, Medical: ₦207,000.00

Support The Mission

We are trusting God to provide the resources needed to make this camp a success. Every donation is a contribution to the salvation of souls. Thank God for how far we’ve come, let’s keep the momentum going.

Goal: ₦8,937,000

Funds Raised
₦4,877,000 55%
Funds Raised

Donate Today:

Account Name: HRDD Consulting Ltd – TAWASV Missions
Account Number: 3002315307
Bank: Kuda Bank

Thank you for your support. May God bless you abundantly!

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7